"Andreas Schmidt" <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message

[quotation moved into chronological order]

> "Leonard S. Berkowitz" <[log in to unmask]>
> @RAVEN.UTC.EDU> on 20/03/2002 18:28:44

[snip base details]

> Opening this data base from accttwo in mode 5 caused a security violation.
> Changing the group matrics to LOCK : ANY solved the problem. Why does mode
> 5 need locking capability?

> a database is a database - I assume that TurboImage requires a lock info
> for READ access to prevent any EXCLUSIVE access to the database. Just a
> thought!

If you open a database in Query, 'only' choosing Mode 5 just to read it, you
can seriously disrupt any online users while you are poking about in there,
as Query applies locks by default on what you retrieve.

Makes sense, as it (a) stops it changing unexpectedly while you are looking
at it and (b) as you can switch to Mode 1 at any time, you may need the
pre-applied locks for integrity, and to stop 'dirty read' updates.

If you are sure you won't want the locks (and you want the phones to stay
quiet) you can issue an ASSIGN LOCKOPTION = OFF.

Or its short form, AS LOCKOPTION = OFF for a big saving in typing :-)

(Request to CSY: Before you EOL Query, could we please have a shortform of

Roy Brown

Finding there's not much difference between a migration and a migraine....
both are a big headache....

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