Keeps my blood-pressure down and I don't get ulcers. Works for me
Need to blow of some steam when reading/working with such scoundrels.

Just my 0.02 and I consider myself a professional.

On Fri, 8 Mar 2002 11:50:37 -0800, Douglas Becker <[log in to unmask]>

>Lies, deceptions and cover-ups have become the standard of professionality.
>It is impossible for me to have any respect for the likes of corporate
executives who lie, deceive and cover-up and the only way to make my
displeasure known is the occasional name-calling, which if you think about
it, most here agree with, but it simply doesn't matter because the
scoundrels are pretty much untouchable and don't pay any attention to any
of us anyway--in the end it doesn't matter and they make big bucks to
practice "Assertive Incompetence".
>The whole object of the corporate scoundrel is to move us to make the
lies, deceptions and cover-ups undiscussible [reference "The Management
Trap" by Dr. Chris Argyris] and the "Politically Correct" approach used in
business accomplishes this.
>As long as we all tolerate this behavior there is no agent for change.
>I don't know why anyone would want to support scoundrels getting away with
their scams in the name of "professionality".
>A final note: Given the above, I don't particularly care if I
look "professional"--three words in the current term should say it all:
Enron, Arthur Andersen; HP is just one among the rest of the insane horde
and a triumph of image over substance when it comes to corporatespeak.
>>>> Jerry Fochtman <[log in to unmask]> 03/08 11:06 AM >>> wrote:
>Also, even tho we may disagree with this decision as well as the decision
>discontinue the HP3000, we are professionals and should continue to treat
>each other as such even though there are disagreements.  Inappropriate
>remarks and name-calling only serves to lower one's credibility, not to
>help influence change.
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