On Tue, 5 Mar 2002 00:13:30 -0500, Reef Fish wrote:

>On Mon, 4 Mar 2002 23:06:34 -0500, Krazy Kiwi <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Oi! That's enuff bout kissin' from the boyz! MOI will do the dirty
>> and give Jeff a big smoocher on behalf of all when she rocks up to
>> visit him during the Choo-ChooNEDfest ... unless Scuba-Sue has
>> beaten me to the punch already :-)
>We'll save you the honor to plant a WET one on Jeff. :-)

I gladly accept the challenge ... doan know how Jeff will take this
though ;-)  Just so bloody good to hear things have improved so much in the
last couple of weeks.

> BTW, it's called the CHA02NEDfest now, to commemorate the fact that
> I had to learn the airport code of Chattanooga Choo Choo, CHA, from
> one Krazy Kiwi down-under!

My mistook .. I will get it right eventually, hopefully before the actual
event is over ;-)

>>I have been away diving on the Ningaloo Reef the last few days
>I figured correctly that you were galivanting somewhere!  Don't you
>ever w*rk?  :-))

W*rk!!  Wash your mouth out :-)
I have been working longer hours at the office due to my boss going on
maternity leave .. and took a day off in lieu of unpaid overtime to extend
my Labour Day weekend break.  We celebrated Labour Day on Monday so I took
Friday off so that I was free to dive 3 days straight on the Ningaloo Reef
off of Coral Bay.
Many folk actually have their Labour Day in May - May Day, which I think
had its beginnings in Chicago in 1886.  In the middle of the cold war in
1948 Western OZ's pollies decided to move it back to March under the
pretence it was better weather for marching.

>I look forward to your Ningaloo report, and can only drool with envy
>cuz da Feeesh will have to stay dry until late April and May, when
>I'll try to earn about 2,400 of Strike and Julian's Frequent Diver
>Points.  :-)

Hard to believe you have retarrrred yet ain't getting as wet as I though
you would be.  Too busy getting hot deals on flights around the place
working up those FFMs eh.
Strike & Julian have certainly been working hard accumulating their FDPs.
Just about diving every morning before work weather permitting.  I have to
laugh at some folk, who I know are not regular divers, DMs or Instructors
and hardly leave their own state so could not work up lots of dives like on
a liveaboard trip .. who reckon they do 1,000 or so dives a year. Yeah,
sure .. considering how short their dive seasons are.

Well, I will have to work on that quickie dive trip report now.