On Wed, 6 Mar 2002 22:11:29 -0600, Chuck <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>> The mention of a desert somehow always reminded me of the Sarah Pipelini.
>> -- Bob.
>The one that got laid so much?

Close.  :-)

There were three (somehow stories always come in threes) nuns who webt
to heaven, and were asked by St. Pete who would they like to be
re-incarnated, if they could do it all over again.

The first two gave answers of feminine Saints one would expect.

The third said, "Sarah Pipelini".  When asked who is Sarah Pipelini and
why, she showed the newspaper headline, "Sahara Pipeline laid by
1,000 men."

The joke was much funnier told by Myron Cohen in his Jewish accent.

-- Bob.