On Fri, 29 Mar 2002 01:33:03 -0500, Michael Levy <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> . On Thu, 28 Mar 2002 23:23:52 -0500 Reef Fish wrote:

>> Michael, I think you've clipped the wrong post-heading, and you don't
>> seem to know the difference between "self elevating babble" which
>> would be appropriate for Chuck's post, and my post in reply, which
>> is "self-defense against Chuck's self-elevating babble."
>You know exactly what I mean... you are tiresome.

Was that required reading for you?

But why did you snipped my paragraph about you congratulating HIM?
On his admission of misspelling my address, or on his implied
message that it was all MY errors he fixed to "explain" why I
did not get a copy of the Review of subscriber list.

>Looks like I need to setup that ignore folder for you again...

Yup.  If you can't follow details, facts, and reasons, whether
you stick your head in the sand or not amount to the same.  Chuck
is doing a pretty good job bitching for himself without your help.

>your posts have done nothing for my interest and enjoyment on this
>list these last few months.

I suppose you think your posts are of iterest and enjoyment to
everyone or anyone?   I am not here for YOUR enjoyment, Michael.

< insulting opiion without factual basis of support snipped >

>I don't understand why you
>are so vitriolic these days, must go see a beautiful mind to
>search for some answers.

Have some originality.  Borrowing Don Ward's cheap dig doesn't
add anything of substance to your post.  Was John Nash
vitriolic?  Both you and Don may be schizo, but neither of you
will ever be accused of having a beautiful mind.  Trust me.  ;-)

Save your movie money and sarcasm.  YOu're born with what you
have or don't have between the ears.  Just live and cope with it.

>Have fun, I will as I clean up my view of this list.  ;-)

A bit of a slow learner, aren't you?

-- Bob.