"Atwood, Tim (DVM)" <[log in to unmask]> wrote

> I vaguely remember something similar happening a long time ago to us.
> it was it was in switch to MPE/iX 5.0 ?  Some fix in how VPLUS handled
> certain terminal types?
> If I am remembering correctly (which I must admit is a long stretch),
> fix involved making sure:
> 1) Forms file was compiled with the following terminal families turned
> <T> from the main Formspec menu.
>  FORMSPEC/V B.06.08 Terminal/Language Selection MenuFORMS FILE:
>         Select (X) the terminals on which you will use this forms
>                [X]  HP264X Family     [ ]  HP3075A, HP3076A, HP3081A
>                [X]  HP262X, HP239X,   [ ]  HP2627A, HP2397A
>                     HP7009X Families
>                [ ]  IBM 3270          [ ]  Reserved
> 2) Making certain our terminal emulator (Reflections) was responding
> the HP70092, HP70096 terminal type.
> <Setup>
> <Terminal...>
> <Terminal Type> file tab
> <HP70092, HP70096> radio button

I already had 2/3 of this configuration - the only thing I had not tried
was adding the HP264X Family.  But, sad to say, doing so did not fix the
problem.  Thanks anyway.

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