"Ray Cotton" <[log in to unmask]> wrote

> I know it can be done but I am having a bad hair day, I want to use
> Query to extract data from on dataset and populate another empty
> database with that info.

If your new empty data set has the exact same format as your existing
populated data set, just "find" the records you need and "save" them to
a disk file.

But it sounds, from your description, like the two data sets may not
have the same format.  In that case, set a file equate for QSLIST which
defines a disk file with the characteristics you want - especially a
record length long enough to hold all the fields you intend to

In Query do your "find", then do "output=lp" then do a "report".  For
each field you want in the output file, use the "d"etail report
statements to pick the input fields you want and to place them in the
output record.  Example:

:file  qslist=mydata,new;save;rec=-30,20,f,ascii;dev=disc
set = users
find all  user-id

Getting the data into the other data set is another matter.  I have a
Cobol program that I use for that, but I am sure there are tons of such
programs around - seems to me there used to be one (many?) available
from Interex.

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