Mark Wonsil ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: Going back to the statement that applications drive the hardware, if you take away
: Oracle as an application then doesn't that start to lead HP-UX down the same path
: as MPE/iX?  If the big ERP packages like SAP, PeopleSoft, et. al. follow suit, you
: might as well EOL HP-UX and put all of your development effort into Linux.

If you read the Oracle article again, they are not talking at all about what platforms
the Oracle DB or Oracle apps run on for their customers.  They are only talking about
the hardware/OS they will transition to for their own internal applications.

Based on the size of their market, I would be pretty confident that Oracle is not
planning to stop sales of their HP-UX products to their customers any time soon.

Kevin Cooper

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