Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Advocate for Improving Ocean Environment, Dies
The Associated Press
Published: Feb 9, 2002

HALIFAX (AP) - Elisabeth Mann Borgese, a university professor who urged
international organizations to do more to protect the world's oceans, died
Thursday. She was 83.
Mann Borgese died suddenly of an acute respiratory illness in Switzerland while
on a skiing trip.

The daughter of renowned author and Nobel laureate, Thomas Mann, she was best
known as an advocate for the preservation of the ocean as common heritage.

She organized a pioneering conference on the law of the sea in 1970, called
Peace in the Oceans. Since then, 30 such conferences have taken place

She helped train hundreds of civil servants and university faculty in developing
countries in marine resource management, and founded the International Ocean
Institute at Dalhousie University.

A news release from Dalhousie university said Mann Borgese had "been
instrumental in encouraging world leaders to rethink our relationship with the
oceans and our management of marine resources."

Mike Wallace