On 4 Feb 2002 at 7:34, Robert Emory wrote:

> Hello,
> I am a new diver and read with interest MOST
> of the posts here.  As I live in the northeast I
> marvel at the exotic things some of you talk
> about.

Lots of exotic stuff to dive in the NE too. Only problem is the surface water gets a
little hard and requires a chainsaw to gain entry to the softer stuff.

> But...the recent display of personal ego is
> not why I joined this list and if you folks would
> like to continue your cyber hormonal display
> I shall cease using the large delete key and
> say goodbye to the list I have enjoyed for a
> relatively short time.

That would really be your loss. The signal to noise ratio gets loud at times around
here, as they have for years but there are a lot of really nice folks around here
who have a lot to share, freely for the asking. When you wear out the del key, new
keyboards are under $20 these days.

> If you have personal issues why not take them
> up personally and not through the list?  And the
> recent addition of four letter words does not
> add much to the already low level of personal
> insult.

True enough, but this is not grade school either, although I will admit that it
sometimes seems like it and that I certainly contribute to that noise level at times.
Judicious use of the del key can rid one of the trash and still allow one the benefit
of the jewels that frequent these waters......

> Just my $.02 worth and if you wish to send flames
> to an already chilly and ice bound New Hampshire
> please fire away.

I'd say that I'd blow some of our Alabama sunshine up your way but it seems to
have lost it's way around here the last couple weeks. Our local weather people are
saying that we might actually get snow and ice here tomorrow and tomorrow night.
You didn't have anything to do with sending that our way did you?  ;-)

Stick around Bob, there ain't as many sharks around here as there appears to be!

> Cheers,
> Bob

Mike Wallace