  We're upgrading connections on several printers, mostly HP 405
tractor fed and HP LJ5SI. My experience has been DTC setup and TTUTIL
for special TT## types is a bit rusty and apparently unnecessary here.
 We've been told that PCL files in group HPENV.SYS are the way to go:
PCLElite and PCLElitD for 80 char wide and PCLLP and PCLLPD for 132
wide. The files ending in D are duplex. Our platform(s) are irrelevant
but as an FYI they include 927s, an A class and an N class.

Although the network configuration SEEMS simple, and we are getting
what qualifies as output to the printers, there are many issues,
including page overflow on the LJ 5SI:

HP 405 Printers:
I've tried PCLLP.HPENV.SYS as part of a file equate
but results are unsatisfactory.

The initial problems, say, without the environment file, is Font Size,
Banner Page and Output using PCL files.

FONT SIZE: The font size is tiny compared to the regular sized output.
I'd tinkered (in hindsight - in error) with assigning TT18.PUB.SYS or
other TT@ files and I did get the 'regular' font but it also prefaces
each page with garbage characters. I now know that TT## environment
files should not be used with networked printers just DTC printers.

BANNER PAGE: The banner pages still have small fonts(not a concern,
but they'd be appreciated more if they were normal sized). I've yet to
get the banner page to be normal sized in any of the tests.

PCL FILES - NO REPORT OUTPUT: With PCLLP employed, just a banner and
seven lines that print FOREVER that start with "@PJL" and repeat
things like "EOJ NAME="HP3000 FILE=01876 COPY=1" again and again every
minute or less. The "O1876" is the spoolfile to be printed. At the end
of the seven lines are line feeds and then 5 staggered PJL status
fields then the banner page and it starts again.

PORTRAIT versus LANDSCAPE. This works fine with PCLLP and PCLELITE
using PCL@ files. It's no longer a problem.

IGNORED PAGE BREAKS. The output just overflows from one page to the
other - the "1" (page feed) appears as output in the report instead of
controlling the output. This was tested in duplex haven't tested the
other yet.

150 COULMN REPORT: We have a 150 column report. How can we squeeze it
onto 8.5 x 11 paper, i.e. landscape isn't normally wide enough?

It shouldn't be this hard, we had an HP course and site and we're told
that this stuff shouldn't be happening. Any ideas? Our HP tech is
strong on this subject and we try new things without satisfaction.

Does anyone know what's happening and how to fix it?


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