In article <[log in to unmask]>, "Ken Hirsch"
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> [log in to unmask] wrote:
>> followed by new lines. I thought it would be a simple matter to find
>> space 2\n\n\n, and replace with space 2\n\n\n\n: perl -pi -e 's/
>> 2\n\n\n/  2\n\n\n\n/' FILENAME
>> And it's not working. And I am not sure why it is not working. Can
>> someone tell me why not, and what would work, instead?
> perl -p only reads one line at a time, so you're never going to match
> "\n\n" that way.
> If the file isn't too huge (i.e. can fit in memory), you can do this:
> perl -e 'undef $/;  $_ = <>; s/  2\n\n\n/  2\n\n\n\n/g; print' FILENAME

Is not correct: this will append a newline to the right
sequence (" 2\n\n\n\n") as well.

> Otherwise, you'll have to actually write a program of 5-20 lines.

No need, see my other post.

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