Steve Dirickson wrote:

> > Since it's a Saturday afternoon I'll ask the questions I've
> > always wondered about.
> >
> > Is infinity minus infinity = zero, infinity or undefined?
> >
> > Is infinity divided by infinity = one, infinity or undefined?
> >
> > Is negative infinity plus positive infinity = 0, negative
> > infinity, positive infinity, both or undefined?
> Since infinity (more specifically, aleph-null in this context) is not
> a number, applying an algebraic operator to it is meaningless; none of
> these operations are defined.
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Who says Michael is speaking of Aleph-null, he did not mention that we
were dealing with integers. Aleph-null is to me
the quantity of all possible integers. In real number theory there are
more reals than integers, so there are more projections on

In the case of a Riemann projection of the complex plane there is only
one point infinity, that has a "infinit" number of projections to the
complex plane. In that case the operator can be defined, but the result
is undefined for a general case.


Jan Gerrit Kootstra
PinkRoccade Online
[These opinions and remarks are my own, and may not reflect our company policies.]

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