On 23 Jan 2002 at 19:29, Brad Stambaugh wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> It's been so long since I've been active on the list that I get the
> feeling I should introduce myself. ...Just a quick mention about why
> I've been inactive on the list: Begining last spring, I was never home
> long enough to do more than sleep, mow the yard, and grab a bite to eat.
> I spent every minute available diving, swimming, snorkeling, camping,
> and playing tennis, basketball, etc. Since I was seldom home, I
> disconnected my home phone, and just used my cell phone. It was a great
> summer.  :-)))

You suck!  ;-)

> Now to the point... I would like to know more about the drysuit/incense
> trick that Mike told about. I did an archive search, but didn't find it.
> Would anyone like to direct me to the post, or tell about the trick?
> This sounds like something I need to try, because my drysuit also has a
> hole. And with water as cold as we have in  northern Ohio, I won't be
> diving without a drysut for a very long time.

Pretty simple really. I had a nagging leak in my suit that I just couldn't
find. Got pissed enough to take it to one of our local guys who's pretty
good with gear and stuff. He couldn't find it either. I was about ready to
ship it back to DUI and pay them to fix it. I though I'd try one more time,
so I plugged all the openings up, filled the suit as full as it would hold and
got a smoke out. I moved the lit smoke about a 1/4 inch above the suit
all around where I thought the leak was. All of a sudden the smoke
glowed bright and I found a very tiny hole in the shell. It was so small
that I had to do the smoke trick again after I walked away to get a marker
to mark the spot.

Ed's talking about using incense because he doesn't have any
Rastafarians around close enough to roll him up a spliff to check his suit
with. :-)

Welcome back btw.....

> Brad :-)

Mike Wallace