On Wed, 26 Dec 2001 20:29:40 -0500, Lee Bell <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Thanks to Chuck and Bjorn for their help.  I'm new to System Works
>(previously used Norton Corporate).  I looked in the virus list under N for
>Nimda and as you both probably know, didn't find it because that's not how
>it's listed.  Once I used the search feature, I find I'm protecting against
>13 varieties.  You learn something new every day.  Thanks.

Early December my office was sent out the funny message below by my mad
friend Woofie  (Strike - she's the one who gave you a mug for something you
can't remember ;-)  They have such riveting subject lines too.

A govt dept was hit by a new worm yesterday, called the Gokar worm. It is
more of a nuisance type infection. Our current Anti virus dat files protect
against it. Of course, you folks, all being good little biccies, NEVER open
strange attachments, so you do not need to worry, anyway ;)

What may be amusing is the list of subject headers this worm uses..see
below. And...I just know none of you would even consider opening an
attachment with subject headers like these ones!! *grin*
regards G:)

This worm spreads over Internet Relay Chat, e-mail, and by serving an
infected page to users if the infected computer is running a web server.
This worm typically arrives in an email message containing the following

Subject:: I were God and didn't belive in myself would it be blasphemy
or Subject: Just one kiss, will make it better, just one kiss, and we will
be alright.
or Subject: I like this calm, moments before the storm
or Subject: .. and there's no need to be scared, you re always on my mind.
or Subject: The horizons lean forward, offering us space to place new steps
of change.
or Subject: The A-Team VS KnightRider ... who would win ?
or Subject: I can't help this longing, comfort me.
or Subject: And I miss you most of all, my darling ...
or Subject: ... When autumn leaves start to fall
or Subject: I will always be with you sometimes black sometimes white ...
or Subject: The air will hold you if you try, trust my wings of desire.
Glory, Glorified.......
or Subject: Darling, when did you fall..when was it over ?
or Subject: You just take a giant step, one step higher.
or Subject: It's dark in here, you can feel it all around. The underground.

Body: Happy Birthday
Yeah ok, so it's not yours it's mine :)
still cause for a celebration though, check out the details I attached

or Body: Hey
They say love is blind ... well, the attachment probably proves it.
Pretty good either way though, isn't it ?

or Body: You should like this, it could have been made for you
speak to you later