Michael suggests a good plan:

> > Then I use Adager to expand the capacity of the detail set to
> > 213,000,000.
> >
> < balance snipped >
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Why are you using Adager to expand data sets to larger values?
> Just use Adager to enable DDX by putting in a capacity of:
> Then just work on autopilot and not worry about filling the
> detail set.

We have been successfully running DDX on all our large, active
Detail datasets for years now;  never had a problem;  works fine.

SIDEBAR # 1:  All else being about equal, probably a good idea to
make DDX increments a little on the "larger" side instead of "smaller";
to avoid getting a lot of small fragments scattered all over the volume
set....  On our larger multi-million record Details, I have used 25K or
more as DDX increment values...

SIDEBAR # 2:  In Mike's above, note that if you are not on the latest
version of IMAGE that implements MPE Large Files for TurboIMAGE
datasets and try and apply too high a definition of "IMPOSSIBLY
LARGE" to maximum capacity, you will hit the 4GB non-Jumbo file-
size limit for DDX-enabled datasets...  We "bumped in" to that a few
months ago;  when I tried to set DDX max cap up to 16,000,000....
Media-record length for that dataset is 134 words.  When I asked for
16M, answer I got back was ~~ "Sorry -- Can only give 15,901,898."

Ken Sletten

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