In message <[log in to unmask]>, Douglas Becker
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>Not too much new except for the baseball metaphor.
>If only she had waited until the week before the stockholders meeting to
>announce the merger....
>Her epitaph at HP [certainly NOT iambic pentameter]:
>There once was a woman named Carly,
>Who thought a merger with Compaq would be gnarly,
>It's easy to see, said she,
>It'll benefit HP, Compaq and me,
>But the Family, customers, employees, stockholders, and finacial analysts
>became snarly.

This does have the required meter:

Eyeing Compaq, one Carly Fiorina
Thought a merger would make the grass greener
But she failed to placate
The heirs of the late
Dave and Bill; now her times will be leaner....

Roy Brown        'Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be
Kelmscott Ltd     useful, or believe to be beautiful'  William Morris

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