Okay, I take it back.  You're not funny.  You're sad...

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Baier
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: 12/14/01 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: [HP3000-L] OT: 210 Years of Civil Rights

On Thu, 13 Dec 2001 12:10:22 -0800, Newton, Ernie <[log in to unmask]>

>Michael you're one funny guy.
>"were", "was", "had", all past-tense.  It's 2001 for crying out loud!
>I am not responsible for the sins of my father.

As a native German, I am almost daily told that I am, within reason,
responsible for my fathers sins or in that case for my country-folks
Even so the man with the funny mustache was a native Austrian and not
German and I was born 15 years after the WWII ended.

>Civilization is an ever growing thing.  We learn from our past
>All those you list, NOW can vote, though most choose not to.

When did mankind ever learn? We are still fighting and killing
So far, we learned nothing!

>I vote, but then again, I'm a low-life white American.

I vote too. Cause it is a priviledge.

>ALL on your list now have MORE rights than the white male in this
>but we
>won't talk about that, will we?  I refer you to the book by
>Michael Savage, "The Death of the White Male".
>I'll buy you a copy
if we as mankind keep up, we'll all be loosers.

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