To all users of TurboIMAGE and Image/SQL:

Now that y'all have had a couple weeks to "digest" the CSY 14 Nov
HP e3000 "end of sales" / "end of support" announcement, we need
to take some quick action to come up with an updated list of Interex
System Improvement Ballot (SIB) enhancements that CSY can still
implement before the enhancement coach turns into a pumpkin at the
end of October 2003.  Note that is only 23 months away;  and has to
include time for beta-testing and software release.  So as a practical
matter the "final countdown" on getting additional MPE / Image/SQL
enhancement work started is likely already down to <= 18 months.

CSY has in fact requested that we expedite the SIB process;  so they
can start working ASAP on whatever the next list of enhancements
ends up being.  In order to facilitate that effort, I will do two things and
propose that you the users participate in a third:

(1)   In separate message tonight I will post a list of all items that were
still on the long-standing "Now / Soon Available in Image/SQL" list in
"SOON" status as of HPW-2001-Chicago.  Summary of all "SOON"
items is:  They are all either done / close to done / in beta test. Given
that state, and that it will take at least a few weeks to go through an
accelerated SIB process, without objection I propose that we let the
Database Lab finish all items they have been working on;  and get
them out to the user base in an appropriate release vehicle.

(2)   In separate message (hopefully) by this Sunday swing shift, I will
post in text format the current SIGImage/SQL Enhancement "A" list
(at SIG-3000 last February a number of items were moved to a "B"
list;  i.e.:  lower priority.  Given 14 Nov, without objection all "B" list
items fall off the end of the world (or at least get filed in the "ignore
for now - maybe someday if OPENIMAGE happens" folder) ).

(3)   Here is the ACTION for ALL USERS:  After reviewing above two
emails, please reply directly to me and to 3000-L, with what your site
would now consider high-priority enhancement needs for Image/SQL
that are NOT already on the "A" list;  in light of 14 Nov. Discussion by
all is invited and encouraged.  TEN DAYS from right now (10 Dec)
SIGImage/SQL will narrow down the "A" list to five to seven items that
will be forwarded to the next SIB round. Note will likely be another SIB
round in about six months instead of one year as was usual; to allow
refinement and update as the "23-month clock" winds down.
NOTE:  One item y'all do NOT have to bother to suggest;  that I believe
by consensus of the MPE Forum will automatically be added to next
SIB:  "CSY facilitate OPENMPE / OPENIMAGE" (just how, when, and
to what degree still TBD)....

Ken Sletten
SIGImage/SQL Chair

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