Thanks Stan.  But, curses; we had to abort some sessions because our
customer was pretty much put out of commission by whatever this was - so I
can not now gather the additional info you requested.

Initially, one person at the customer site complained of being hung; but by
the time it was over, there were six sessions hung - five at the customer
site and one of ours where someone here tried to "help" by using one of our
applications to inquire about the only thing that had an Image lock (item
level lock).

We checked every data base in use and their were no processes waiting for
Image locks and just one Image lock was being held (reference above).

When we tried to abort our own session that was hung, it would not abort.
 But when we started aborting the customer's sessions, the problem "went
away" after the abort was issued on either the first or second session.
 Presumably, whatever everyone was waiting on was locked by one of those
two sessions.

Oddly, when one of the individuals whose session was aborted, logged back
on they very quickly wound up hung again - though this time no other people
at their site were affected.  We could not abort that session, so we asked
them to reboot their PC and we think that's what they did (had to leave a
voice mail) and the problem now "seems" to be ok.  That having been said, I
suspect we will see this again (actually, I suspect we have seen it before)
- next time I will be one step ahead if it does.

Thanks again.

-----Original Message-----
From:   Stan Sieler [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
Sent:   Wednesday, November 28, 2001 2:28 PM
To:     John Pollard; [log in to unmask]
Subject:        Re: [HP3000-L] Impeded - waiting on Control Block


> Does anyone know what it means if processes are impeded and waiting on
> a "control block"?  I am assuming this is a data base control block, but
> why, out of a clear blue sky, would we have several process hung waiting
> for one of these?

Not likely to be a database "control block".  Usually, a semaphore of
some kind.  Try:

  1) determine PIN of hung process;
     (let's assume it's 123)

  2) logon as MANAGER.SYS

  3) :debug

     pin #123; tr, i, d
         (don't forget the "#": it means "decimal")


and post/reply with the result.  It should tell us what's happening.

StanStan Sieler
                                          [log in to unmask]

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