Well Randy,
    I do know that David Packard did..saw him with my own eyes. There was a
user group(MBRUG) here in Monterey during the late 70s and early 80s that
met regularly with HP personnel. Some of us were invited to the meeting
where our HP sales rep (Paul McGillicuddy) was going to demo an application
written for the HP3000 that Mr. Packard was to evaluate for use with the
Monterey Bay Aquarium. We all kidded Paul and told him this was one sales
call he better not blow....

                                               Eric Sand
                                               [log in to unmask]

> A raise of hands, please:
> 1) How many of you out there actually think Carly has ever said HELLO and
> logged onto an e3000?
> 2) How many of you out there think she has ever seen an e3000 in
> operation?
> 3) How many of you out there think she has visited a customer running an
> e3000 and talked to the IS staff and the user base?
> 4) How many of you out there think she knew what an e3000 was before
> getting her current position?
> 5) How many of you out there think I am an idiot for asking these survey
> questions?

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