Well Folks,
    Carly seems fully intent on driving HP into the dirt(my opinion)....here
is an email sent by one of our staff after visiting Palo Alto over the
weekend. I have taken many classes here and always came away feeling
uplifted by the positiveness of the instructors. Looks like I'm going to
have to reach pretty far for that now, but then I never was a "wannabe", I'm
doing what I've always wanted to do, showing people what the "3000" can do
and I'm not about to stop. You can take that to the bank Carly...!

"Those of you who attended HP training classes at their Mayfield Avenue
building in Mountain View may be interested in the article from the Palo
Alto Daily News that I posted on the lunchroom bulletin board. HP's gonna
close the center as a cost-cutting measure. No word on where the training
classes are going, though the article does say most of the employees will be
relocated to other HP facilities in Cupertino, Palo Alto and Mountain View.

Too bad -- it was a lovely facility. 'Course, long-timer that I am, I
remember when it was Mayfield Mall, the first indoor shopping center in the
South Bay, and before that, an orchard.

Sorry there's no on-line version of the article. I checked the PA Daily News
website, and they are very assertive about not posting their articles
on-line. ("We want you to go out and pick up a copy of the paper...") I
happened to be in Palo Alto over the weekend, and the front page headline
caught my eye."

                                          Eric Sand
                                          [log in to unmask]

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