Shawn Gordon <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Well two immediate things pop to mind.  The first is "Holy smokes that link
>is hidden on the page"

Sorry.  I thought I had placed it in its own obvious
place (rather than buried in the middle of Adager-related
material).  Any suggestions?  It is VERY hard to fit a lot
of information into one page -- particularly if one tries
to keep such a page reasonably small and uncluttered.

I visited your wonderful web site ( as
indicated in your email signature.  I was VERY impressed.
Good job.  It has the look-and-feel of Mac OS X even though
it is dedicated to great Linux software.

Be it as it may, it is very beautifully done.  A joy to see.
Congratulations.  I looked around, searching for your HP e3000
material so that I could add a link to it.  Was I too
sleepy (after a hard day's work) to find your HP e3000
pages?  Please give me the URL and I will be delighted
to include your HP e3000 information.

>and the second is "why?" since the one that Brian
>has done is so complete.

Brian's site (
is very nicely done but he also clearly states:

   In the interest of brevity, listings may be edited.


I, on the other hand, wrote:

2) There is no "hard" limit to the number of words, but please
    be reasonable.  Look around and use the existing entries
    as examples.  The idea is to give readers enough of a
    "taste' of what you do so that they may choose to follow
    the link to your web site for "your whole story".


As you poke around (after clicking on the "HP e3000 resources"
link at, you will see that some
entries (for instance, Bob Green's story about his Caribbean
HP e3000 installation) use a lot more pixels on your monitor.

It is a matter of style.  Some people prefer short entries,
while other people enjoy more leisurely stories.  Fortunately,
there is room for more than one approach.

Please also note another difference with Brian's excellent
vendor-oriented site.  I wrote:

    Would you like to mention your organization's use of its
    HP e3000?

Please notice that the very first link on the "HP e3000
resources" page takes you to

    HP e3000 Success Stories
   (this link has its own table of contents)

Yes, I know that HP's web site has some wonderful HP e3000
success stories -- but they were written "professionally"
by HP.  I am catering more to the "homegrown" variety, as
exemplified by the story about "The world's largest
customer-service solution provider (CSSP)".  You may notice
the total lack of CorporateSpeak and the sprinkling of
great down-to-earth human-oriented language (such as
"And, oh, by the way, we have TWO systems administrators").

Thank you, Shawn, for your thoughtful comments.  Now, back
to work (on HP e3000 software development -- enough HTML :-)

  |               |
  |               |
  |            r  |  Alfredo                     [log in to unmask]
  |          e    |                 
  |        g      |  F. Alfredo Rego
  |      a        |  Manager, R & D Labs
  |    d          |  Adager Corporation
  |  A            |  Sun Valley, Idaho 83353-3000            U.S.A.
  |               |

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