The Breast Cancer Site has re-emerged under new ownership, and with your
help, it will continue to provide hope to women who would not otherwise
receive the gift of early detection -- the key to survival of breast

43,000 women will die from breast cancer this year. In seconds and at no
cost, you can help give underprivileged women the life-saving gift of early
detection. Visit The Breast Cancer Site
( every day to fund free mammograms
and help us reduce the number of mothers, sisters, partners and friends
lost to breast cancer.

Funding for mammography screening, paid for by site sponsors, is generated
when you click on the "Fund Free Mammograms" button on the home page of
The Breast Cancer Site. With your help, the lives of over 2,000
underprivileged women will be touched in 2001 thanks to funding generated
at The Breast Cancer Site.

Please visit The Breast Cancer Site daily and spread the word to your
friends and family!

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philanthropic-based sites, and should not be used for any other purposes.