Don Ward <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> >I don't know what part of "shall not be violated" is hard to understand.
> One wouldn't think so, but I am always amazed.
> I am of the mind that it is also un-American to quote without understanding
> the meaning of the our Constitution and, again, I'm always amazed.

I maintain that not allowing a law abiding citizen to check an unregulated
piece of luggage onto an airline is "unreasonable ... seizure."

A 40 psi pony in my luggage is about as dangerous as a can of shaving cream.
(Before we revisit this nonsense about hiding something in a pony tank, a
Bad Guy could do the same thing with a can of shaving cream.)

> Speaking of well regulated militia, I noticed that when flying through
> Florida this week that the well regulated militia where carrying M-16's.  I
> wouldn't want to be in a crowded terminal when they were fired.  Here in
> the mid-west I have only seen the well regulated militia with 9 mm
> sidearms, although a friend told me he had seen larger weapons at O'Hare
> recently.

Are you sure they are militia and not military?  There is a difference.

My stint in the militia ends next year.  I've never been in the military.

> These are different times, my friends.

That's the usual excuse for curtailing freedom.  It's still as un-American
as it's  was on 9/10/01.

It's was the excuse for putting many law abiding Americans in camps the last
time we were attacked.

> Dive and travel safe,
> /Don

But less free...

-- kc