On Tue, 13 Nov 2001 J.M. Vitoux <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Krazy Kiwi wrote:
>> >Best Shark/Ray: 4-day White Pointer Port Lincoln expedition
>> >with the famous Captain Rolf Czczashjb aboard Calypso Star
>> >Charter - Won by Viv Matson-Larkin of Western Australian UW
>> >Photographic Society.
>Congratulations to you.

Why thank you kind sir :-)
>Er... How do you pronounce the name of the famous Captain?

It's all French ... no, make that Dutch to me ;-))
I would not have a clue Mate .. someone said it looked Polish but I found
out that was wrong. When I emailed Rolf he totally ignored my query on how
to pronounce his surname so that one goes in the too hard basket :-)

I did find out that they have purchased a limmo so you get picked up in
style from the airport and having a smaller group on the cruiser you would
have more time in the water with the GWsharks.

I have not mentioned my win to any of my family as they would go off the
deep-end at me. Hell, they drove my best friend & work mates mad with phone
calls when they heard about the earthquake in Mexico while I was having fun
with the Motley Crew at the Coz99NEDfest. My mother has NO idea of the size
of OZ let alone about Mexico not having travelled out of NZ. She thinks as
soon as you put your big toe in the ocean a shark is gonna bite it off :-(