If you are hard against this limit, there is a possible solution, but it might involve a lot of work, especially if your current user/group/account structure is deeply imbedded into your applications.

You could use security/3000 from Vesoft, which allows you to make users unique by session name, and control access by session name or session + userid.

Instead of having users fred.acct1, fred,acct2,...,fred.acctnn,
mike.acct1, mike,acct2, etc.,

You might set up fred,user.acct1,mike,user.acct1,fred,user.acct2, etc.

Then you would only have MPE users defined by general classifications, and therefore fewer entries in the HPUID.

Security/3000 is very flexible about how you set up your security.

-Dave Darnell

[log in to unmask] on 10/31/2001 08:52:00 AM
To:     [log in to unmask]@Internet
cc:      (bcc: David T Darnell/CO/KAIPERM)
Subject:        Re: [HP3000-L] Enlarging HPUID


        WOW, you have an enlarged HPUID?  Sitting in a bucket of ice will make that
go down :)  Seriously, there isn't a feature in the PXUTIL to expand the
system file HPUID.PUB.SYS and it's being access all the time anyway, so I
don't see a way to expand it.  I ran into this problem working for a catalog
fulfillment house where every employee using the 3000 was replicated into
10 - 20 accounts per 3000.  I have to maintain a very close eye the users
and to be very proactive about purging off employees that left.


-----Original Message-----
From: HP-3000 Systems Discussion [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On
Behalf Of Ronald R Horner
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 10:18 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Enlarging HPUID

If there a method to enlarging the HPUID from 10000 to some larger number?


Ron Horner
HP3000 Systems Administrator
JCPenney Logistics
[log in to unmask]
(414) 259-2274
AIM: hornerrr

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