In article <[log in to unmask]>,
Zora Naron  <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I have recently aquired a Jornada 720 and am using it to log onto the HP
> and gain my freedom!  However, when I try to look at a stdlist, I find that
> I can not scroll up far enough to find out what I need to know.  Is there a
> setting that will allow me to scroll back further or is there a software
> package out there that will help me.  As of now I am using the hp dial up
> that comes with the Jornada.  This way of dialing in does not give me
> enough functionality to trouble shoot problems with the nightly schedule.
> I would appriciate any suggestions.  I want my freedom to roam!

There are a number of telnet and serial terminal programs available for
Windows CE. My own Jornada is a Pocket PC, but I'm sure the HPC version is
as good: .

 `-_-'   In hoc signo hack, Peter da Silva.
  'U`    "A well-rounded geek should be able to geek about anything."
                                                       -- [log in to unmask]
         Disclaimer: WWFD?

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