Hi Chris,
Here, in part, is our answer to assertions made by George.

Lutris Technologies

Chris Thompson wrote:

> Jon and others interested in digging deeper into Lutris' motives, or
> indeed having an interest in open source, web application servers, or
> instantDB,  would do well to follow the slashdot link at
> http://slashdot.org/articles/01/10/14/0018242.shtml
> entitled "How Lutris betrayed the Open Source Community" which leads to
> http://instantdb.tripod.com/
> This contains an interesting and extensive article narrated by George C.
> Hawkins [log in to unmask] who is also trying very hard to
> reconstruct the instantDB web site as it was before Lutris removed it.
> I invite readers to make up their own minds on Lutris, its policies, and
> its motives after visiting this site.
> Chris Thompson
> Technical Director
> The Internet Agency
> European Distributors of ADBC  Web/iX and TRAX
> www.the-internet-agency.com
> In article <[log in to unmask]>, Jon Diercks
> <[log in to unmask]> writes
> >Adam Dorritie <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >>For those folks who, like me, may have missed the mid-September
> >>announcement, Lutris claims that the J2EE license from Sun prevents them
> >>from incorporating J2EE in an open-source solution.  The Enterprise
> >>version is only offered as a purchasable product and they have no plans to
> >>offer a new version of the open-source Enhydra software either.
> >
> >It is worth noting that the open-source version of Enhydra *is* still
> >available, and Lutris is hoping the open-source community will pick up the
> >ball (which, admittedly, Lutris appears to have dropped). From the Lutris
> >letter:
> >
> >"... the Enhydra application server is an open source project.
> >That means that you - the developers who use it - have the
> >ability to effect new releases by writing code and submitting it.
> >
> >To that end, we would like to solicit help from the community.
> >We need a number of people: committers, chair, and individuals
> >managing the task list and release of an Alpha, Beta, and final
> >cut of the next release of Enhydra.  Everyone who voted to have
> >a new Enhydra release should take it upon themselves to start
> >the process by reading
> >http://enhydra.enhydra.org/aboutEnhydra/gettingInvolved/ecp/index.html
> >and then taking action to drive the next release of the Enhydra
> >code by submitting suggested tasks, volunteering for development
> >of those tasks, etc."
> >
> >Lutris may have cut off their nose, but I don't believe it was done
> >explicitly to spite their face. I'm not trying to defend them, just
> >pointing out that things could be worse.
> >
> >>   See their release at http://enterprise.enhydra.org/index.html.  If you
> >> like, you can read the latest story about Lutris at Slashdot
> >> (http://slashdot.org/articles/01/10/14/0018242.shtml).  There's also a
> >> good link in the Slashdot article to a story about InstantDB and how
> >> Lutris appears to have sucked in developers with the promise of
> >> open-sourcing the database and then sent them packing
> >> (http://instantdb.tripod.com/). Personally, I find a lot of validity in
> >> the argument that Lutris isn't worth dealing with.
> >
> >Lutris has clearly made some tough decisions, some of which they may end up
> >regretting. I'm not sure yet exactly how this will impact my Enhydra
> >project. I don't intend to throw away the effort I've invested up to this
> >point, and I'm reasonably confident in the ability of the current Enhydra
> >3.1 product to support the deployment of my application. I guess in a way
> >this a good test of the open source model - one of the benefits of open
> >source is vendor independence - you don't have to worry if the vendor drops
> >the product or vanishes off the face of the earth, because you have the
> >source and you can do what you want with it.
> >
> >>   I think that it's time for CSY to certify Bluestone on the 3000.
> >
> >That would be nice, but I don't know if it really addresses your concerns
> >about Lutris and open source. Is Bluestone open source? Does its license
> >ensure that it will remain so? I did a little poking around at
> >www.bluestone.com and didn't find anything conclusive. Many of the
> >bluestone components appear to be freely downloadable (free as in beer) but
> >I don't see any obvious links to CVS or other source-management info (free
> >as in speech).
> >
> >If you want to be an open-source purist, I've heard good things about JBoss
> ><http://www.jboss.org/> or Zope <http://www.zope.org/>. Maybe you should
> >take one of these for a spin on MPE, and let us know how they perform.
> >
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David H. Young
Chief Evangelist
Lutris Technologies, Inc.
1200 Pacific Avenue, Suite 300
Santa Cruz, CA 95060 USA
831.460.7310; 831.471.9754 (fax)

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