Dave Darnell asks,

> How can I set up my reflection1 shortcuts or .R1W files to startup
> Reflection without the graphic (large bitmap with lake, mountains,
> etc.) being displayed?

I had the same issue a few years ago when using a Citrix WinFrame
connection. A document on the WRQ web site says that when Reflection starts
up it looks for the files R1LOGO.BMP or R1LOGO8.BMP (if in high-color mode).
You can delete or rename these files and Reflection will bypass the splash
screen. This has worked as far back as I can remember, so at least from
version 4 on up. If you have a bunch of users connecting this way it's
definitely easier than changing everyone's shortcuts!

Presumably you could also replace the .bmp files with a customized splash
screen, though I haven't tried this (and that wasn't the topic of your

Patrick Santucci
HP e3000 Systems Administrator
Computer Operations Team Lead
Cornerstone Brands, Inc.

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