I have found YAHOO! to be everything I need in this regard!

It is so superior to what we have at work with Lotus Notes that all my work swcheduling is on YAHOO and I refer coworkers there for my schedule.  You can set up both individual and group calendars, and synchronize them with many other calendar/schedule tools, and with PDAs (pls note I didn't use the Apalachian Posessive).

My calendar is public at http://calendar.yahoo.com/~dtdrnll     .  I have control over what entries are private, public, or just marked as busy.

My Yahoo calendar sends reminders to my work email AND to my cell phone.

It's free, and the SPAM load is minimal.

I use Yahoo briefcase to put files I want to share into the public domain.

Gee, there are so many neat-o features, please just go explore it yourself.  Go to mail.yahoo.com and sign up for a free email account, and you can try out all the features.

[log in to unmask] on 10/12/2001 11:07:00 AM
To:     [log in to unmask]@Internet
cc:      (bcc: David T Darnell/CO/KAIPERM)
Subject:        [HP3000-L] OT : Personal Schedule


Is there any software available over the Internet (Free would be better)
which provides users with facilities like Calendar, Tasks, Contacts,
reminders, anniversaries, etc. If so, where ? Any special features others
would like to share would be great.. ? Any personal advices for pro's and
con's on that ?

With Best Regards
Raghu. Rao

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