A small caution on the use of temporary files in batch jobs:

If a batch job aborts (or ends normally, either way) a temp file "goes away".  This has implications for recovery of an aborted job.

In a job with many phases, or "steps"  to use an IBMer term, it's common to use temp files to pass the data from one processing phase to the next.  If doing so, and the job aborts, the job must be re-run from the beginning (or at least from an earlier point) to re-create the temp files.  In this case, it might be better to use permanent files to pass data between phases so that a failed job can be restarted in a later phase, and avoiding re-processing of work already done.

We don't have a step-restart feature in MPE, unless you are using a proccess like Maestro which adds that feature.  Without step-restart, you can either make more complex (smart) JCL to detect what processing has already been completed, or (more common) use the editor to cut out the processing that has already occurred.


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