In article <[log in to unmask]>,
Denys Beauchemin  <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> When it came to synchronizing with my laptop, it brought a new
> meaning to the word incompatible.  When I started losing contact entries on
> my laptop, the Palm Pilot went in the drawer.

You were using Outlook, no?

Surprise surprise, Microsoft's handheld syncs better with Microsoft's
contact manager. On the other hand, Palms sync perfectly with Palm Desktop,
and can *also* sync with Outlook, and pretty seemlessly with Notes.

Me, I've had Newtons and the old Casio A10. Then I got a Visor, and an
iPaq, and a Jornada. None o fthem are quite a laptop replacement, and
I haven't found one device that does everything I need.

I had an iPaq. It's so bulky I might as well be carrying my Toshiba Libretto,
especially when you throw in sleeves and a case big enough to hold the sleeve,
and it does a lot more than the iPaq.

I could never get Transcriber or Calligrapher to handle my handwriting
reliably... so I needed to use Microsoft's graffiti-clone anyway.

I switched to the HP Jornada. It's much more compact, but slower, and it's
still only really happy syncing to Outlook. I've tried to get it syncing with
Notes, but it locks up too often for me to be really happy with that.

> In conclusion, if you haven't seen a single thing that a PocketPC can that
> you would want on your Palm, you haven't looked very hard.

I like the larger screen, and the multitasking makes telnet more convenient,
and Pocket Internet Explorer is a pretty good browser. I wish Pocket Streets
was more reliable: Mapopolis is a little slower but the maps are way better.

 `-_-'   In hoc signo hack, Peter da Silva.
  'U`    "A well-rounded geek should be able to geek about anything."
                                                       -- [log in to unmask]
         Disclaimer: WWFD?

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