>Lars Appel wrote:
>>Yes. Having cleaned several Samba/iX [public] shares from those pesky
>>Nimda copies in something.eml, something.nws, etc, I can only second
>>what Peter said. MicroSoftware has been "too smart" like in many other
>>cases in the past.
>Bruce Toback added:
>Or too dumb.
>There is one report that the newest version of Internet Explorer for
>MacOS 10 now being distributed with the upgrade to 10.1 has acquired a
>characteristic that Mac users have been spared up to now.
>Starting with this new version, the default security settings are such
>that when MSIE downloads a file of type .hqx -- roughly the Macintosh
>equivalent to .zip -- the browser automatically decodes the file, and if
>it's a program, starts execution.
>I can't remember who said that one should never assume malice when
>incompetence is just as plausible, but this now means that the Mac has a
>virus distribution mechanism that's every bit as effective as the one on
>Windows. Given that someone at Microsoft actually would have had to write
>NEW code to do this -- previous versions of MSIE just invoked the program
>that normally handles .hqx files, which unpacked without executing -- one
Also, MS had added impediments to using Java in the XP version of MSIE.
One could get the impression that MS is using its browser to influence
software decisions.


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