Sorry Richard, I should have addressed this to Mr. Buhta.  -dtd

        David T Darnell

        09/29/2001 08:44:24 AM

To: [log in to unmask] @ Internet
cc: [log in to unmask]@Internet
Subject: Re: [HP3000-L] Browser as user interface for MPE


Yes, you can write a 3GL process on the HP3000 to interact with the browser, and code raw HTML if you wish, without using Apache - this seems OK if you are only implementing one application, and not distributing/selling it. More info if you want, but others on the list have more experience with this than I do.

As has been said, Apache is available, and gives you a pretty standard and full-functioned, controlled environment.

Also, you might look at:

Web Dimension from Minisoft(.com)

For large applications, if you have Speedware background, Speedware Autobahn is still a very good integration between the HP3000 (or 9000 or UN*X, or AS/400) and the web. (

-Dave Darnell
(303) 912-1293

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