Thanks for all the help so far, but…

I tried Robert’s suggestion below, which works
brilliantly, returning my NT user name as an MPE
variable. But as he suggests, I have not been able to
find a way to run this from a command file or a
program – I don’t want to have to put the macro
permanently onto over 200users machines, and would
prefer to maintain it only on the HP.

Tom suggested a way to do this from a command file
(also below), but whichever way I try it, I haven’t
been able to get his command file to work (yet).

If anyone knows how I can run Robert’s suggestion
below, without having to set it up as a macro, I would
be delighted to hear from them.

Many thanks in advance,


-----Original Message-----
From:   Tom Emerson [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent:   27 September 2001 18:56
To:     [log in to unmask]
Subject:        Re: [HP3000-L] Capturing Network Logon Name
with Reflection...

* Please Note : This message was received from the
Internet *

On Thu, 27 Sep 2001 17:38:28 +0100, Robert Mills

>The following Reflection Basic code will create a
variable on the HP3000.
>Can't get it to work if stored and run from the host
(yet). As they say
>'Watch This Space'.
>Sub Main
>  With Application
>    .Transmit "setvar NetworkUserName '" &
.PCUserName & "'" & Chr$(rcCR)
>    End With
>  End Sub

using that as a jumping off point, I found the
following works at the
command prompt:

setvar esc chr(27)
echo !esc&oG
echo sub main
echo     application.transmit "pcusername" &
echo end sub
echo !esc&oH
input uname
echo You logged onto your PC as !uname

(this is kept as the file "pcuname")


You logged onto your PC as pcusername

Note I've quoted "pcusername", thus making it a
literal string -- I tried
application.username, however my copy of reflection
(5.2) does not think
that "pcusername" is a component of the "application"
class -- YMMV

BUT, this excersise DID point out a cool thing or two,
namely, the

    esc&oG / esc&oH

strings allow MULTIPLE messages to be passed to the
PC, eventually
executing as an entire RBS subroutine.  (I guess I'm
to "old school" -- I'm
used to the concept of the entire "command" needing to
be passed as a
single string from the HP to the PC...)

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Russel [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: 27 September 2001 16:29
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Capturing Network Logon Name with

I'm not sure if this is possible???

I have an application running on the HP3000. A user
logs onto this application, through Reflection as...


The USERname they specify is different from their NT
logon user name. Within the program I would like to
programmatically capture their Network logon name. Is
this possible?

I do not want to add/delete any users to accomplish

Thanks in advance.


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