It is a pleasure for us to present a product of PMS Labs company which is
the software for preparing and viewing and printing report in different
types of printers (printers connected to terminals or network printers or
system printers) under MPE/iX operating system.
XPR/iX software significantly reduces exploitation costs of HP3000 systems
and also makes the daily work for an operator and users easier.
With help of XPR/iX software users can ourselves prepare reports which they
are interested in and they can decide whether a report must be printed out
or it is enough to view its contents.
The majority of reports can be printed directly by a user on a printer
connected to its terminal.
XPR/iX has fully featured simply and easy to handle menu where all commands
are issued by pressing corresponding function keys.
Below listed you can find some of XPR/iX features:
? a user can create a report
? printout can be created on a system printer (connected to the DTC)
? printout can be sent to any network printer
? printout can be sent to a printer connected to a terminal (dot matrix
printer or ink jet or laser printer)
? a block of selected text can be printed
? you can display list of currently created printouts and being printed and
all others which are ready to be printed or viewed.
? last 19 lines of a selected printout can be viewed
? searching for text patterns
? quick setup changes
? reduction of DTC outputs needed because of usage of printers connected to
? any selected text can be copied to a file

For more information about XPR/iX - please contact to:
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+48 32 279-22-50

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