Donna Garverick <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message news:<[log in to unmask]>...
> hi all!
> strange how little projects scare all sorts of things out of
> the closet :-)
> we're wanting to modify an old spl program to access an
> image database.  the manual (being the helpful creature that
> it is....not) says you can't use spl against image.  is that
> so??  if so, what sort of options do i have?  (like calling
> <something> written in another language?)  if not, is there
> anything important i need to know?          - d

Few decades ago, SPL with HP Classic MPE, Before RISC MPE.
One of homegrown ERP software package be written by IMAGE and
VIEW with SPL. (Origin by BT?), IIRC, even IMAGE itself written by SPL code too...

One thing I missed most, once SPL compiled, It gave me a depth of the code
begin and end, now I missed that option from VB compiler.

Peter Chong.
SR. ERP Analyst VB/Oracle

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