I absolutely agree.  ROTC would be great for UTC.  Whatever I can do, count
me in.

At 01:25 PM 9/13/01 -0400, Manuel Santiago wrote:
>It was recently brought to my attention that UTC once had a Military
>Science (Army ROTC) Department. I was told that the lack of involvement and
>declining graduates lead to the removal of the ROTC Department. My military
>associates in Chattanooga have told me that there is an interest within the
>community to reopen the department. I was also told that a number of
>students leave Chattanooga because of the lack of a ROTC Department. Would
>it seem feasible to open a Military Science Department at UTC?
>Manuel Santiago
>Assistant Professor
>Department of Chemistry
>University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
>615 McCallie Avenue
>Chattanooga, Tennessee  37403
>phone   (423) 755-5364
>FAX     (423) 755-5234
>Web     www.utc.edu/chemdept

      "All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do
nothing." Edmund Burke

      The pen is mightier than the sword, but the sword guarantees
ownership of the pen.

Jeffrey P. Rush, DPA; CGS
Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
School of Social and Community Services
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Dept 3203
615 McCallie Avenue
Chattanooga, TN 37403
423/785-2228 (Fax)