On Sat, 8 Sep 2001 Robert Delfs <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Thanks for "Part I" of the report.  Is Part II more on Madang, or

Hello "Frogfish" Robert :-)
Part II is about the Tufi Dive Resort.

>While we were in Kimbe Bay, we heard about a local environmental
>organization in Madang that sounds like it is doing some interesting
>work regarding reef conservation.  I have the name written down
>somewhere, but not immediately accessible.  But we were told it was
>possible to track them down through  people at the Jais Aben Resort.
>Do you have any idea what I'm talking about?

No, I have no idea wot ya talkin bout ;-)  Nah! Just kidding ... Im working
backwards answering posts today & Im feeling a lil wicked ;-)

>I'm close to finishing scanning photos from our trip.

I will go & check them out now.

>We had an absolutely great trip.  Rob van der Loos says "Hi."

He's a lovely man. I absolutely loved the muck diving there... and the
manta feeding station is something else aint it :-)