I can remember the "60's" and the 26 minute tunes cranked up load enough to
vibrate the neighbors windows.

hmmm; maybe that's why we need hearing aids now?

-----Original Message-----
From: Cynthia Fowler [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 12:07 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [HP3000-L] HPWorld 2002, (was McCormick Place - 2 thumbs

You could do what the police do in the city where I live.....give them a BIG
ticket for noise pollution. One of my son's friends got such a ticket for
having the amplifier in his car up too much outside of Wal-Mart. The ticket
was $150. He's 20 years old and he thought THAT was criminal......(and here
I thought the damage being done to my ears was criminal........I'll never
understand how young folks think..... <g>  ) Makes me wonder how long it
will be before I need hearing aids (and that is no joke).

Cynthia Bridges-Fowler
IMC Salt, Inc., a division of IMC Global
[log in to unmask]    http://www.imcsalt.com

>>> Stan Sieler <[log in to unmask]> 08/28/01 01:20PM >>>

<big snip>

  - vendor show audio ... the problem of amplified sound in vendor
    booths was better this year than in many previous years.  Still,
    I'd like to encourage Interex to think of the *users* more than
    the *vendors*: ban amplified sound.

  - party safety : I left the Thursday party after 5 minutes, due to the
    criminally loud music.  I timed it...my ears were still hurting
    20 minutes later.  Heck, *DOWNSTAIRS*, the music was
    louder than acceptable (the party was on the second floor).
    When the #$%^ will Interex learn to say "90 db or less"?  (Note: I
    picked 90 db from out of the air...I don't know what a safe level is,
    but I sure know an unsafe level when I hear it from a hundred yards


    Do the users need to bring OSHA personnel to the next party, to protect
    the waiter's hearing?  Is that the only path we have left?

    My complaint falls on deaf ears ...
    but they wouldn't be deaf ears if you listen to me!

<snip remainder>

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