There doesn't seem to be anything in the error_log file that relates to the
problem I'm having. Is there a file in Tomcat that I have to put my servlet
info into? I checked "web.xml" and "server.xml", but they don't contain any
of the example servlet info...


"Mark Bixby" <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message
> Ken Acker wrote:
> > I am having trouble getting my Java Servlets to run correctly on a
> > system, with Apache and Tomcat installed. My apps compile correctly, but
> > when I try to view them, I keep getting a "500 - Internal Server Error".
> > don't get the error if I run the example servlets that come with Tomcat.
> > do get an error if I change the name of one of the servlets (and
> > re-compile), so I figure I must be missing something in either the
> > configuration or Apache's.
> >
> > Does anyone have any idea as to where I should start to look for the
> > of this error?
> Whenever you get a 500 error from Apache (or for that matter ANY weird
> you want to look in /APACHE/PUB/logs/error_log (or
> /APACHE/SECURE/logs/error_log for WebWise).
> --
> [log in to unmask]
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