I guess that's because people are tired of the same answer from HP - "Gee:
We don't know:  We'll have to check on that and get back to you".

"Sletten Kenneth W KPWA" <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message
> O.K., Sports Fans:
> http://www.hpworld.com/conference/hpworld2001/hpw_prog_09.html
> shows that so far there are only FOUR issues that have been pre-
> submitted for all the roundtables at HPW-2001 Chicago:  One for
> the IMAGE & HPSQL R.T.;  one for the "Services Management"
> R.T.;  and two for the HPe3000 Mgmt R.T.  There just *has* to be
> a bunch more questions that people would like to have the various
> HPW roundtables address.  IMO pre-submission whenever and
> wherever possible is clearly preferable;  to try and minimize the
> "Gee:  We don't know:  We'll have to check on that and get back to
> you" response.
> SIDEBAR:   For (I think) at least the last several HPW's, Interex
> has not allowed pre-submission of questions to the "Strategic HP
> Management Roundtable".  Above main R.T. URL does not allow it
> either....  ** BUT **:  I just discovered that if you hit the "Click here
> to review issues submitted for each panel" at the bottom of above
> URL, this Strategic R.T. *is* included in that list....  and if you click
> on it, you are presented with an opportunity to "Submit a new issue"
> (although no way I can see to enhance an existing issue).  I just
> tested this, and it works;  i.e.:  There are now FIVE questions total
> for all the R.T.'s.   See:
> http://www.hpworld.com/advocacy/issues/hpworld2001/rtprint.html
> Ken Sletten
> * To join/leave the list, search archives, change list settings, *
> * etc., please visit http://raven.utc.edu/archives/hp3000-l.html *

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