I'm intrigued by the idea of adding EDITOR/QUAD and/or SYSSTART to an SLT,
but since I always include a STORE of PUB.SYS and the TELESUP account on my
SLT it doesn't really seem necessary; I could always RESTORE what I needed
onto LDEV 1 if I booted in SINGLE-DISK mode. And I agree that the usefulness
of SYSSTART in that scenario is questionable at best.

Donna after me:

>> !if finfo("sysstart","ldev") <> 1
>> !  if finfo("sscopy","exists")
>> !    purge sscopy
>> !  endif
>> !  copy sysstart,sscopy
>> !  purge sysstart
>> !  build
>> !  fcopy from=sscopy;to=sysstart
>> !endif
>> ...
>> The above builds a new SYSSTART file the same size as your old one (and
>> reserves the space for it) on LDEV 1, then FCOPYs the contents from your
>> original SYSSTART file (now in SSCOPY) into it. Oh, and you should still
>> the ALTSEC stuff, that's a great idea.
> We're not seeing all the changes you might have made, i hope...  what if
> sysstart has changed?  does it get copied into sscopy in a different
> step?         - d

It does it on line 5. You probably missed it because I reversed the order
you used. And if SYSSTART *hasn't* changed since I last did this, it should
still be on LDEV 1 and none of this will happen anyway.

Patrick (using MPEX is still easier...)
Patrick Santucci
HPe3000 Systems Administrator
Cornerstone Brands, Inc.

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