It has been a very long time since I read the Federalist Papers by Thomas
Jefferson.  Very long.  But I remember that he indicated that taxes were
also a way to allow the freedom of somewhat deviant behavior, say smoking,
but to burden that behavior with taxes as societies way of controlling the
deviant behavior.

Larry Barnes <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message
> I thought Congress was only to create taxes need to 'protect' us from our
> enemies and to build our infrastructure?
> Where did all these social taxes come from?  When did Congress decide they
> needed to meddle in social problems (and attempt to eliminate them with a
> tax)?
> I thought social problems were to be resolved by the local community?
> What's good for New York won't necessarily work for any other state.  We
> need to return government to the people (not the lobbyist) and give the
> community back there tax dollars instead of Congress 'pork barreling' our
> money for their state (community) votes.
> Larry A. Barnes
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nick Demos [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 12:23 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [HP3000-L] OT: Federal Budget Surplus....
> Nick D.
> > Exactly.  Why in the Hell is G-Dumb-Ya "giving" us a tax cut/"refund"
> > we owe $2,000,000,000,000 to Social security, and another
> > $3,000,000,000,000 to the federal deficit?  He is another one wanting to
> > spend the surplus before it's here.  Plus, he says he is only going to
> > down the "easy" debt (About $3 trillion out of the $5 trillion).  And
> > other $2 trillion will remain.  I mean, I want lower taxes...who
> > But I want the debt paid off, Social Security and Medicare fully funded
> > again, FIRST.  Pay off the debts, then the budget will look fantastic in
> > the year 2010.  The 34% of the budget that currently goes to debt
> > will be freed up for other programs or, even better, a 34% tax cut!  The
> > government already does far more than it is supposed to.  There are
> > currently over 20 cabinet positions, each with their own agencies.  Do
> > know how many cabinet positions FDR had?  Answer: 4.  Cut the
> > cut the debt, then cut our taxes.  IN THAT ORDER.
> >
> > My soap box just broke under the weight of all that hot air.  I bid you
> all
> > well.
> >
> > Randy Keefer
> >
> > On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 11:55:22 -0500, Jerry Fochtman
> <[log in to unmask]>
> > wrote:
> >
> > >The thing that bothers me is that the billions of dollars
> > >currently in the Social Security funds are used in determining
> > >the fact that our federal budget will have a surplus. When
> > >in fact that by current law, the government cannot use these
> > >funds for anything except for paying retirement benefits.
> > >So the bottom line is, there is actually several billion
> > >dollars less than reported that can actually be used for
> > >various programs.  And if, as predicted, these funds run-out
> > >in the 2021+ timeframe, the impact on the budget will be
> > >an obligation to pay the benefits for all those that
> > >contributed.
> > >
> > >This accounting 'slight of hand' was done back in the 80's
> > >whereby previously, these funds were not reflected in the
> > >budget.
> > >
> > >Also, did you know that the only thing that these funds can
> > >be invested in is treasury bonds/bills at what are usually
> > >fairly low rates of return when compared to other forms of
> > >secured investment?  One item Bush/others wanted to do was
> > >at least allow the funds to be able to invest a part of these
> > >monies in other securities to try and enhance the overall
> > >rate of return for the future benefit of the participants.
> > >
> > >While I'm on my soap-box, I also dislike politicians who
> > >feel obligated to spend the projected surplus, especially
> > >before it is a reality, simply because its there.  I'd
> > >rather see them buy-down some of the national debt, although
> > >I do realize that having some debt is actually good for
> > >our overall economy.
> > >
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