Hi all:

Please forgive the commercial posting, but I know of no other way to
get the word out to our distinct group of professionals.

We have unearthed from the bowels of our warehouse some special pieces
of HP3000 history that we want to make available to those who remember
the beginning of the platform. We are offering the labels, and, in
some cases, the control panels for HP 3000 Series III, Series II, AND
even an HP 2000 label. The labels are around 19 inches wide by 1.5
inches tall. The control panels add another 6 inches or so.

Anyway, we have very limited quantities, and because we are a
business, we need to charge for the time it takes to extract the
labels. We're charging 15-20 bucks each, plus actual shipping, credit
cards only. First come, first served.

If you have an interest, email us directly ([log in to unmask]) and
we'll send a picture. These would look cool on your desk or wall, and
prove to everyone that you are as old as you feel!


John Painter
Computer Solutions, Inc.

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