Doug Werth after Larry Barnes:

>> It's been my experience that to execute DTCCNTRL you must first
>> down all printer devices.  This had to be done prior to run
>> DTCCNTRL the first time.
>> After the first time DTCCNTRL worked fine.
> In this case none of the spoolers should have started to begin with.
> Since the NMCONFIG file was not validated at boot time the devices
> would never have been configured. Consequently there should be no
> spoolers to stop.

But if you are ever in the situation where you *do* have spoolers running,
you can always do:


This will force the spoolers to stop, close your spool queues, and stop DTS.
Very handy to be able to do it all with one quick command. :-)

Patrick Santucci
HPe3000 Systems Administrator
Cornerstone Brands, Inc.

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