In message <[log in to unmask]>, Abraham Zwygart
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>Hi all,
>I am on a HP3000 797 os version 6.5.  I have written a quick screen that
>all orders that a department has open/working on.
>On a 70092 the menu option takes about a .5 second delay before the
>screen appears.  We installed a new pc on a 100 meg nic and get the
>following results. Using Reflection with a  network connection it will
>take between 15 to 30 seconds. I have verified this time lag on several
>different computers. Dose anybody know why and hopefully how to fix

Put the PC where the 70092 is, and connect it serially using the same
cable (OK, you can use a 9/25 if you need one), and the same baud rate.

Now how does Reflection compare, speedwise?

This will tell you whether to suspect your PC(s) and/or Reflection, or
your network connection/protocol/whatever.

My guess is it will be one of the latter.

Try different methods of LAN connection - is NS/VT fast, but Telnet
slow, say?

Analyse the LAN traffic - is it excessive? Can you Ping the HP3000, and
is it a good ping time?

Throw it back at the network gurus - unless you *are* the local network
guru there, or course. Lotsa luck!

Roy Brown        'Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be
Kelmscott Ltd     useful, or believe to be beautiful'  William Morris

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