For simple, there is ROT-13. The first of 18,400 hits in google has "ROT13
simply "rotates" the alphabet by half its length, ie 13 characters. Hence
the name.". So, A becomes N, B becomes O, etc. Of course, any other rotation
or offset can be used.

A similar search ought to reveal other simple encryption methods. I would
think a simple single bitwise shift should would be even more obscure, yet
simple enough to accomplish, even in COBOL. I bet someone here knows the
correct name for such an encryption. In fact, like ROT13, it should be
possible to simple use a lookup table for the allowable characters. Entering
"bit shift encrypt" into google, I find http://www.hallogram.com/encryptit/,
which lists products along with some explanations for simple encryptions.
The second of 8,240 hits is http://cscene.org/CS9/CS9-02.html, and it lists
several methods of obfuscation. XOR operations with a key that only you know
ought to be fairly challenging to reverse without some time and effort.

What I do not find on that page is the fairly simple method of inverting the
bits, so ASCII A, decimal 65, bin 01000001, becomes bin 10111110, decimal
190, and a character that my email (OL2K) warns me against sending as is,
and which your 700/92 terminal may not care for. Simple to do, simple to
undo, but not terribly obvious to the naked eye.

All the best,
Greg Stigers

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