Wirt Atmar wrote:
> Tom writes:
> > Hmmm... as they say, there is more than one way to flay feline flesh, so I
> >  won't (completely) argue with you on these points, just point out my
> view...
> I feel a profound need to correct a most overt and egregious technical error
> in Tom's posting: the common saying, "there's more than one way to skin a
> cat," has nothing to do with cats (felines)! The saying is referring to
> catfish (siluriformes)!
> See e.g.:
>      http://www.rootsweb.com/~genepool/amerispeak/advice.htm
>      http://www.marshbunny.com/mbunny/acatfish.html
>      http://news.nbd.dk/nov-lst/1996_12/0933.html
> Thus, the correct equivalent saying would be there's more than one way to
> flay siluriform flesh.
> Wirt Atmar

You just burst my bubble, Wirt. I recall a certain Lost In Space episode
where, IIRC, Dr. Smith muses about this saying and the Robot replies
"There are exactly 32 ways" (or some integer near that). Dang, now the
rest of my Lost In Space 'education' is suspect ;-)

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